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Mosquito ringtone. Es The Ultrasonic Ring tone ADULTS CAN'T HEAR!!!! Home About FAQ How To Other Ringtones What is the Mosquito Ringtone? The short version, A tone outside the audible range of hearing of most people over 30. This means that you can get phone calls and receive text messages in class or school without teachers hearing it. For more in-depth information on how the mosquito ringtone works, please see the Mosquito RingTone FAQ. For information on how to get the ringtone on to your phone, see our Mosquito Ringtone How To Guide. + = A ring tone teachers & parents can't hear! Mosquito Ring Tones: Frequency Age to Hear Tone Play Download Tone 8khz Everyone Play The 8khz Tone (Right-Click to Download) 10khz 60 & Younger Play The 10khz Tone (Right-Click to Download) 12khz 50 & Younger Play The 12khz Tone (Right-Click to Download) 14.1khz 49 & Younger Play The 14.1khz Tone (Right-Click to Download) 14.9khz 39 & Younger Play The 14.9khz Tone (Right-Click to Download) 15.8khz 30 & Younger Play The 15.8khz Tone (Right-Click to Download) 16.7khz < 24 Play The 16.7khz Tone (Right-Click to Download) 17.7khz < 24 Play The 17.7khz Tone (Right-Click to Download) 18.8khz < 24 Play The 18.8khz Tone (Right-Click to Download) 19.8khz < 24 Play The 19.8khz Tone (Right-Click to Download) 21.1khz < 24 Play The 21.1khz Tone (Right-Click to Download) 22.4khz < 24 Play The 22.4khz Tone (Right-Click to Download) You should use the last tone on this list that you can hear. For instance, if you can hear both the 18.8khz and the 19.8khz tone, use the 19.8khz as less peo mosquito ringtone

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mosquito ringtone News:
Ost adults. But now teens have struck back against the Mosquito: They are using the same sound to communicate without adults' knowledge. At issue is a text-message ringtone that emits the same pitch as the Mosquito. Using it, students can learn about a new message while they're in class — where they're not supposed to be using their cellphones. Most of their teachers can't hear the alert. Inventor Howard Stapleton, creator of the Mosquito teen repellent, says only a few people over age 30 can hear the Mosquito's sound. He and his 16-year-old daughter Isabel talk to Melissa Block about the sound, which has been dubbed "Teen Buzz." E-mail this Page Recipient's e-mail address: & 187; Up to twelve addresses, separated by commas. Your e-mail address: Your name: Personal message (optional, 600 characters max): Your NPR member station: & 187; List of local stations (PDF) Are you a member of your local NPR station? Yes& 160;& 160;& 160; No Would you like to receive information from your

mosquito ringtone N IE Download 19.9kHz tone E 21.1kHz Tone will appear here in IE Download 21.1kHz tone F 22.4kHz Tone will appear here in IE Download 22.4kHz tone Fool your teachers! Fool your parents!! Feel free to download any of the tones on this page and put them on your cell phone. If you want to fool your teacher or parents we suggest you find the highest pitched one that you are able to hear and use that to give yourself the best chance of fooling the adults. Hearing test results Choose the highest pitch tone that you could hear from the list below and click the 'Get result now' button 8kHz 10kHz 12kHz 14.1kHz 14.9kHz 15.8kHz 16.7kHz 17.7kHz 18.8kHz 19.9kHz 21.1kHz 22.4kHz Ultrasonic ringtones Ultrasonics are great new ringtones that play at a higher frequency than normal tones. This means that they can only be heard by kids and generally can't be heard by adults over the age over 20 or so. mosquito ringtone The first ultrasonic ringtone to be released is the 'teen buzz' or mosquito ringtone. T mosquito ringtone.

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mosquito ringtone students have begun testing the boundaries of their new technology. One place was Michelle Musorofiti's freshman honors math class at Roslyn High School on Long Island.At Roslyn mosquito ringtone, as at most schools mosquito ringtone, cellphones must be turned off during class. But one morning last week mosquito ringtone, a high-pitched ring tone went off that set teeth on edge for anyone who could hear it. To the students' surprise mosquito ringtone, that group included their teacher."Whose cellphone is that?" Miss Musorofiti demanded mosquito ringtone, demonstrating that at 28 mosquito ringtone, her ears had not lost their sensitivity to strangely annoying mosquito ringtone, high-pitched mosquito ringtone, though virtually inaudible tones."You can hear that?" one of them asked. "Adults are not supposed to be able to hear that mosquito ringtone, " said another mosquito ringtone, according to the teacher's account. She had indeed heard that mosquito ringtone, Miss Musorofiti said mosquito ringtone, adding mosquito ringtone, "Now turn it off." The cellphone ring tone that she heard was the offshoot of an invention called the Mosquito mosquito ringtone, developed last year by a Welsh security company to annoy teenagers and gratify adu.

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