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T operate properly," she said. She called me, she said, because she didn& 39;t want other elderly people to lose their hard-earned dollars.After hearing her tale of woe, I went to the bank& 39;s Web site to learn about Access 3. I saw right away how a borrower could be confused. Whether you get a fixed rate or an adjustable rate depends on which check you use out of the packet the bank gives you. The Web site displays four different interest rates ranging from 5.24 to 8.25 percent, plus small print that says your variable rate could go as high as 18 percent. There are three payment options, including interest only."If you& 39;re not in banking, it can be complex, but it& 39;s also probably one of the best products out there," said Bill Peele, executive vice president of SunTrust Tampa Bay. "It gives people a lot more flexibility than a lot of other banks. We& 39;ve been offering it for several years and the customers just love it."And I don& 39;t doubt him. I& 39;m sure the product works well for many borrowers, but that doesn& 39;t make it right for everyone who wants a credit line.Of course, Bernanke is right, too. We do have to educate ourselves before buying any financial product. Know what you& 39;re getting into before signing on the dotted line.Helen Huntley writes about investing and markets for the Times. If you have a question about investments or personal finance, write hhuntley@sptimes.com or Helen Huntley, Times, P.O. Box 1121, St. Petersburg, FL 33731. Read more questions and answers at blogs.tampabay.com money. Last modified November equity home

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equity home loan rate suntrust R Company In The News Media Releases Professional Research Our Clients Internet Services Feedback about HSH Home Professional Services Home Equity Loan Surveys A Local Survey of Home Equity Loan Rates Every month, HSH collects the latest information on home equity loan (second mortgage) products from lenders in over 24 metropolitan areas around the US. (We also survey home equity line-of-credit (HELOC) products.) What's the difference? Both types of loans allow you to tap the equity in your home. The home equity loan is the traditional second mortgage: a loan in effect for a specific term, usually (but not always!) fixed rate. You're approved for X dollars, the lender gives you the check, and you get a repayment schedule. (For more info on HELOCs, click here.) For everything you need to know when shopping for your Home Equity Line of Credit or Home Equity Loan, order "A Homeowner's Guide to Home Equity Loans and Lines of Credit" for only $4. If you prefer, you can send a money order (n